The Library's Volunteer Program offers opportunities to help staff with a variety of tasks. Individuals looking to volunteer at the Library must agree to the Volunteer Policy.

    All applicants, regardless of age, are required to undergo Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) and Sex Offender Registry Information (SORI) checks, unless applying solely for virtual volunteer tasks.

    To apply for a volunteer position, please fill out the form below, or if you prefer, you may fill out a paper application. Please also complete any additional forms that are required and return them to the Library or email them to volunteer@hansonlibrary.org.

    Fields marked with * are required.


    Street Address:*




    Age:*18 or olderIf under age 18, enter age:

    Grade:*Not applicableOtherwise, enter grade:

    Emergency Contact Name:*

    Emergency Contact Phone:*

    Emergency Contact Relationship to Applicant:*

    Reason for volunteering:*
    Community Service RequirementWork experience/skill developmentPersonal enrichmentOther (please explain):

    Volunteer requirement for:*Not applicableGroup/organization:

    Required hours:*Not applicableNumber of hours:

    Completion deadline:*Not applicableDate:

    Times you are available:*
    Times must be within the library's hours, which are listed next to each day.

    Mondays (9 am-5 pm): Not availableAvailable:
    Tuesdays (12 pm-8 pm): Not availableAvailable:
    Wednesdays (9 am-3 pm): Not availableAvailable:
    Thursdays (12 pm-8 pm): Not availableAvailable:
    Fridays (9 am-5 pm): Not availableAvailable:
    Saturdays (9 am-3 pm): Not availableAvailable:

    Volunteer tasks you are interested in (select all that apply):*
    Please note that some tasks require the ability to walk, bend, kneel, reach, lift, push, etc.

    Type of Task


    Library & Organizing

    Shelve & retrieve materials; cover books; file/copy; help weed, shift, inventory, & organize collections; maintain book sale; neaten supplies & displays

    Digital & Technology

    Assist library patrons with technology questions; digitize historical materials


    Submit book reviews or create photo or video content for the library's social media sites; learn more (CORI not required)

    Program & Event

    Help manage events (prepare crafts, set up furniture/equipment, check in participants, crowd control, etc.); teach a program, lead a club, or give a performance to share your interests (e.g. chess, knitting, reading to children, playing an instrument)

    Cleaning & Maintenance

    Dust; wipe surfaces; wash windows; sweep; tend gardens & pull weeds; rake leaves; pick up litter; use your trade skills to assist with projects (e.g. painting, woodworking, repair, etc.)


    A member of our Library Foundation will contact you with further details

    Library Internship

    Working independently and with Library staff, interns are invited to develop a project designed to improve the Library through building the collection, creating reading lists/displays, organizing a program/event, and more; learn more 

    Describe any skills, experience, or qualifications you have that may be relevant:

    Volunteer Application Agreement:*

    I have read the Volunteer Policy and agree to abide by its terms. I understand that the information I provide on this application may be used to conduct Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) and Sex Offender Registry Information (SORI) checks.

    Additional Forms:
    Completed forms may be brought to the library or emailed to volunteer@hansonlibrary.org.

    I wish to apply only for virtual volunteer tasks (CORI not required).