Donations to the library are tax-deductible and donation receipts are available upon request. The IRS prohibits us from providing the value of non-cash donations.
Monetary Contributions
Contributions may be made to any of the following:
- Hanson Public Library
- Hanson Public Library Foundation
- Hanson Public Library Friends
Materials Donations
We accept donations of items including books, music CDs, and DVDs. Items must be in good condition. Textbooks, encyclopedias, and videocassettes are not accepted. For additional information, please refer to our Donation Guide.
If you would like to donate materials in memory of a friend or relative please see the Special Collections section below.
Please be aware that all donations must be given to the library without restrictions. Items will be utilized, sold, or disposed of in the best interests of the library.
Magazine Donations
The library maintains a swap bin of magazines that do not need to be checked out. Patrons may add their own magazines or take any that are available.
Special Collections
Items accepted for donation in memory or honor of a friend or relative will be marked with a special bookplate or label. Below is a list of our current special collections.