Special things going on here this month:
1. The Baby Sitting Course
We hold this popular program annually; this year it’s during February vacation on Friday Feb 20 [ 1-5 p.m. ], and Saturday Feb 21 [12 – 3 ].
It is designed to prepare young people [ages 12 and up ] for childcare by educating them to become capable, caring and responsible babysitters.
Those who sign up must commit to both sessions. The book costs $5.00.
Registration required ; call Ms. Ann Marie at 781.293.2151, ext. 105
2. Big Ryan Tall Tales
this is for ages 3 – 9, on Saturday Feb 21, 11 a.m.
original stories, puppet play, some music and movement, and lots of fun; lasts about 45 minutes or a little more.
3.For the Adults we have an author coming on Saturday Feb 28 at 12:30
Stephanie Schorow, author of
Crime of the Century, how the Brinks Robbers Stole Millions and the Hearts of Boston
will be here with a talk and slideshow, questions and answers, book signing [ copies available for purchase at the library ]
This is a free event, but signups are required.
Sponsored by the Hanson Public Library Foundation, Inc.