Tuesday February 22 & Thursday February 24, 1:00pm-3:30pm
Join Safety Savvy’s Windy Winters-Harrington for the American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training Course! This course will meet in 2 sessions over February Vacation, on Tuesday February 22 and Thursday February 24 1:00pm-3:30pm. You must attend both sessions to complete the certificate.
In this course you will receive your American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training certificate and learn:
- How to care for infants and children
- What to do in an emergency and how to stay safe
- Recognizing, understanding, and handling certain behaviors
- First Aid, Epi Pen Training, Choke Saver, Hands Only CPR
Space is limited, preregistration required. Registration fee: $15. Sign up online to reserve your spot, then come into the library to confirm and pay for your spot.