Nature Walk: Alton J Smith Reserve, “Smitty’s Bog” and Sleeper Conservation Area

Saturday, November 9, 9:00-10:30 am

Join local naturalist Steve French for a guided nature walk at Alton J Smith Reserve, “Smitty’s Bog” and Sleeper Conservation Area in Hanson! Open to adults and teens 16+.

This property features a retired cranberry bog situated between Maquan and Indian Head Ponds. Through the Wetlands Reserve Program, the Natural Resource Conservation Service had provided funding for a restoration program, to convert the streams and bog back to their natural state, a forested wetland environment. 

The headwaters of Indian Head Brook are located here and flow north from Indian Head Pond, through Wampatuck Pond and Little Cedar Swamp, into the Indian Head/Drinkwater River, which then flows into the North River and out to sea. The woods surrounding the cranberry bog are primarily pine, with some birch and oak. Maple trees have begun to take over some of the bog areas. The trails are a network of wide, flat dirt roads with forested trails in the Sleeper Conservation Area. Time permitting we may also visit part of the J. J. Shepherd/Pembroke Town Forest area which abuts the Sleeper property. 

Access and parking is available at the Camp Kiwanee parking area across from the Gate Keeper’s Cottage at the end of Camp Kiwanee Drive. Cross the street and look for the Bay Circuit Trail and Conservation Commission markers just to the right of the Cottage.